Monday, October 29, 2007

Stealing Life

In this article, Margaret Talbot talked about David Simon and his work in television series "The Wire."

“It was like a frat house the other day, with all your newspaper pals around here,” Johnson told Simon. “What, you think somebody in Iowa’s gonna be watching and go, ‘Look, honey, it’s Bill Zorzi!’?” Warming to his riff, he added, “You ever try playing off these people who’ve never acted before? Somebody yells ‘Action,’ and they stand here like this”—he made a blank fish face."

What we all need to learn about is how the journalistic technigues in writing will be able to use in other forms of writing. How everyone reports their stories has to do with there mindsets and personal beliefs.

A boy's Life hangs in the balance

The article,1,2321335.column by Steve Lopez, the journalist talks about a young boy facing near-death experience after being dragged by a car.

Lopez's story falls into the third-person, with very little first-person elements. Danny White, is described as "red-haired and freckled." Every individual in the story is given a clear characteriztion.

It is clear where this all happened at: the event took place at Palisades Circle, on a "Thursday afternoon, Sept. 20, a beautiful day clouded by this sudden intersection of random event involving people who never met each other."

The story is presented in chronological order which makes it easier to read, and the story seems to get stranded as well.

Sometimes it is easier to read narrative writing if it is at least entertaining.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Feature Story

What I liked about this feature story is that a mother decided to pack up everything and relocate to watch her two sons play football. Sibyl Mendenhall lived in Chicago and decided to relocate to Champaign to watch her two sons play for the Fighting Illini football team.

Mendenhalls share the journey

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The War

"The War" is a documentary piece that focus on the personal and experiences featured throught out the series. The preview, was about interviews and authentic pictures as well as films.

It focused on the everyday life of people during World War II. The documentary didn't take facts from the historian they took the interview from people that actually lived it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Observation Paragraph

There were a lot of happy people on Friday night when the Cubs beat the Cards 5 to 3. If you were just coming into the bar you really wouldn't know why everyone was cheering for. Or if you don't really fallow baseball and aren't a live and know when a big game like the Cubs and Cards series that someone wrong with you. When the Cubs defeated the Cards there was a lot of beer spilt on the floor because they were excited that the Cubs won.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Observations On What People Did Over the Weekend

A night out on the town!!!

1. Man sitting at the bar drinking beer while watching the Cardnials losing to the Cubs.
2. There was a couple yelling at each other while walking down the street.
3. A group of people going to go tap the keg to get another beer.
4. There was an elderly couple kissing while being in the bar.
5. A guy taking a piss on the back of the building.
6. Two people were playing pool while drinking there beer.
7. A guy standing on 4th St. and yelling F this and F that when there was no one around.
8. People going back for more free beer.
9. The keg blew at 8pm and the second keg blew at 10pm and the party was over.
10.Girls flashing there friends either before they went into the bar or after they were leaving the bar.
11.Girl on Girl action in front of everyone that was in the bar.
12. People cheering when the Cubs beat the Cardinals.
13. People ordering shots.
14. People ordering wings.
15. Someone fallling off of the bar stool.
16. A guy throwing up behind his car.
17. People playing darts.
18. A women standing at the jukebox trying to figure out what to song to play.
19. People spilling there beer on the bar because they had one two many drinks.
20. A women squatting on the side of the road in the country.
21. People going outside the bar to smoke because they can't smoke inside anymore.

Friday, August 31, 2007

What does Meghann say that can help you as writers?

Still Singing Those Post-Katrina Blues

There were over 4,000 New Orleans musicians that had to leave there instruments behind because of Hurricane Katrina. This celebration were for those musicians that had to leave there instruments behind. They kicked the night off with singer John Boutte baning on his tambourine. He added his own spice to an old Randy Newman song, "Louisiana 1927". Troy "Trombone Shorty" stated later that night, "New Orleans made me who I am," "I can't leave it. "I Need New Orleans. And New Orleans needs me."

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Donald Murray

Donald Murray has wrote for over 60 years. He pasted away at the age of 80. Murray related his work on how he thought how life should of been lived. Mr. Murray inspired a lot of journalist throughout his career. For Mr. Murray to get an article about how he wrote and on how he lived is pretty amazing.